We are only as strong
as we are united!
Maverick Party Leader Colin Krieger shaking hands with an American at the Canada/USA Border in Osoyoos.
Western Canada needs a voice
Canada is simply too big a country, politically, socially and culturally for a central government, like Ottawa, to govern effectively.
The solution to federal overreach is more regional representation and control. The issues we have in Western Canada are very different than those in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario. We need made in the west solutions.
But the Conservatives are so busy vying for votes in the East they are ignoring western priorities.
Bringing the Fair Deal to life is a good first step in provincial autonomy. As a party we need to encourage provinces to collect their own taxes, manage their own pensions, and police their own citizens. These are all options that could be introduced tomorrow. But no one at the federal level is talking about them.
It is time we got realistic. As a federal party all we can ever do is speak loudly and support western provincial decisions for greater autonomy and economic control. This is not the time for grandiose promises we cannot deliver, meaningless fluff or false claims.
But we can be the squeaky wheel and get for Western Canada what the Bloc has provided Quebec the past 40 years.
We can be a loud and persistent VOICE for the west.
First we need to listen. Federal MPs from all parties have forgotten their duty to citizens. Parties are so focused on getting votes in the next election they are no longer even trying to represent their ridings.
As leader of the Maverick Party. I am ready to listen. I will continue to be on the road across BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the territories to hear what Maverick members have to say.
Together we can unleash Western Canada's potential.
If you are not a Maverick member yet then join us today. Have a say on what the West should look like.

Who is Colin Krieger?

Communities, Provinces and countries are built on the foundation of strong families and good neighbours.
Colin is a 4th generation Albertan. Married for 27 years he has four adult children and fosters 3 young children on their Valleyview acreage. Family is one of the main reasons Colin entered politics.
Born on the family farm he also has a strong sense of community. He has been a truck driver, a successful oilfield contractor and the owner of an oilfield paramedic service. He has worked for and with companies such as Murphy Oil, CNRL, Suncor and Harvest Operations.
Colin has long realized that the West will never get a fair deal in Canada if most elections are settled before a single vote is counted west of Ontario. All National political parties wanting to form government will always be forced to trade western interests to help secure eastern votes.
Only the Maverick party is solely focused on western challenges. Colin sees Maverick as the only truly grass roots, membership led, political party that gives all its MPs free vote on all issues.
It is the only party where MPs are fully answerable to their voters. It is the only party with a real Recall option.
These are some of the reasons Colin ran as a Maverick Candidate in the Peace River-Westlock Riding connecting with thousands of voters in his community and winning over 2500 votes in the last election.
Through that experience he saw that voters were hungry for a strong western Canada. He saw that a successful Canada only occurs when all partners are treated fairly. This is also the only way to limit federal government overreach, something he witnessed firsthand while in Ottawa during the trucker protest.
We have a federal government that has been slowly and relentlessly stripping away property rights, job security, entrepreneurship, personal freedoms, and constitutional rights with the façade of security, control, and fear.
Colin believes that true freedom and democracy can only happen when provinces and regions are as fully independent, and self directed as possible. There is no other federal party that will voluntarily give up their authority to benefit provinces.
We need our own pension and unemployment programs. Our own police and justice system. We need to collect our own taxes and create independent markets for our products and services. All of these can happen tomorrow if provincial leaders step up. The Maverick party will be there to help on the federal stage.
While these are provincial decisions and must come from provincial leaders, Colin sees the Maverick party as a strong supportive voice on the federal stage fighting for provincial sovereignty.
His immediate mission is to grow the party to be a louder voice. His goal is 15,000 members this year at 500 members per registered EDA. Double that by this time next year with 40 more EDAs formed. In the next election Colin would like to see a Maverick candidate running in all 111 western ridings.